In 2005, this event was started as a new tradition for the Columbia Homecoming Festival. In 2008, we have changed this event and are now holding it on Friday June 25, 2010 at 7:00 PM. This contest is open to all children ages 6 months to 4 years old. Children are to be dressed in Red-White and Blue and parent is to accompany child on stage.
Invite all your friends and relatives to watch your little one on stage. Use your imagination and let your child represent our country's patriotic colors.
Contest to be held at the Columbia Township Park Stage. (Park is located next to Fire station) 25540 Royalton Rd., Columbia Station, Ohio 44028
Awards: Division winner will receive a trophy & a $25.00 Gift Card.
Age Divisions: 6-18 months, 19-35 months, 3- 4 year old.
Deadlines/ Fees:Early Bird Deadline – Friday, June 11, 2010- $10.00 Application Fee ENTRIES
RULES: Open to boys and girls ages 6 months to 4 years old. Child must be dressed in Red, White, & Blue. Child must be age of division entering by June 25, 2010. A parent must be on the stage with the child. The decisions of the judges are final. Open to all. (Limit of 20 entries per division) 1st place winner of each division will receive a Trophy and $25.00 Gift Card. Judged on costume and overall appearance. Director has the right to combine or split groups
MAIL completed application with appropriate entry fee to: Columbia Chamber of Commerce P.O. Box 1004 Columbia Station, Ohio 44028
2009 WINNERS: Check back after the festival to see who wins!