DIAPER DERBY (Crawlers 0-2) (Trotters-2 & under)
CANDY TOSS – (3-5) (6-7) year old
BEAN BAG TOSS – (3-5) (6-7) year old
CUPCAKE WALK – (3-5) (6-7) (8-9) year old
HULA HOOP – (6-7) (7-10) (11-14) year old
BUBBLE GUM BLOWING – (7 –10) (11-14) (15-18) year old
WATER BALLOON TOSS – (7 –10) (11-14) (15- 18) year old
WATERMELON EATING – (7-10) (11-14) (15-18) year old
Website Design by Pepper's Web CreationsWeb Server Problems and Questions: webmaster@columbiastation.com General Columbia Chamber of Commerce Questions and Comments:
440-310-1111 info@columbiastation.com
Photography courtesy of : PurplePink Photography, Erie Shore Photography, Biacsi Photography and various other community residents.